Teaming With Microbes

Winds of growth: perennials vs. annuals

Episode Summary

Jeff and Jonathan discuss the impact of weather on plant growth, dealing with aphids in greenhouses, and more!

Episode Notes

​​In this episode, Jeff and Jonathan discuss the influence of weather on plant growth. While annuals suffer from unfavorable conditions, perennials thrive in windy weather. They mention the importance of the soil food web's response to water and caution against excessive watering, which can lead to the production of unwanted alcohol.

Additionally, the  team covers some brief tips for dealing with aphids in greenhouses and gardens, as well as touching on the Holy Grail of gardening: tomatoes!


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Plant a row for the hungry/Read Teaming With Microbes, Teaming With Nutrients and Teaming With Fungi!

Thanks to our sponsors:

The Teaming with Microbes Podcast is edited and produced with original music by Pod Peak.  

Special thanks to the Anchorage Daily News for hosting the show!