Teaming With Microbes

Understanding cover crops

Episode Summary

Jeff and Jonathan delve into the benefits of cover crops, seasonal plant care, and more!

Episode Notes

This week, Jeff and Jonathan discuss the undervalued potential of cover crops, moving beyond just clover - an unexpected ally in your garden, not a weed! 

Later, they talk about seasonal care for lilacs and other bud-prepping plants, sharing optimal times to prune and deadhead for a fruitful following year. 

They wrap up by answering questions about the shelf life of soil food web supplements, as well offering advice on the disposal of plant debris. 


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Plant a row for the hungry/Read Teaming With Microbes, Teaming With Nutrients and Teaming With Fungi!

Thanks to our sponsors:

The Teaming with Microbes Podcast is edited and produced with original music by Pod Peak.  

Special thanks to the Anchorage Daily News for hosting the show!