Teaming With Microbes

Tomato Myths

Episode Summary

This week Jeff and Jonathan dig deep into tomato myths

Episode Notes

This week, the team celebrates the upcoming gardening season in Alaska. However, this also means an increase in misinformation online, particularly about tomatoes! Jeff and Jonathan sift through the most misleading myths to set the record straight.

After the break, the team continues the discussion from last week about hardening off plants, providing examples of the correct way to do it. By the way, now is a great time to start planning this for Alaskan gardens and plants.

Finally, they address a listener's question about compost.

Don't miss all this and more in this week's episode of Teaming with Microbes!


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Plant a row for the hungry/Read Teaming With Microbes, Teaming With Nutrients and Teaming With Fungi!

Thanks to our sponsors:

The Teaming with Microbes Podcast is edited and produced with original music by Pod Peak.  

Special thanks to the  Anchorage Daily News for hosting the show!