Teaming With Microbes

Rain, seeds, and lawns

Episode Summary

Jeff and Jonathan delve into airborne plant phenomena, provide tips to handle rainy weather, as well as insights on effective lawn management.

Episode Notes

This week, Jeff and Jonathan discuss the diverse matter that falls from the sky, including: fireweed seeds, cottonwood seeds, and pollen. They explore these fascinating plant phenomena and how they impact our gardening perspectives. 

The duo also express their grievances about the frequent rain, offering advice on how to make the most of it and what pitfalls to avoid. In their meadow report, they discuss ways to manage a real lawn effectively.


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Plant a row for the hungry/Read Teaming With Microbes, Teaming With Nutrients and Teaming With Fungi!

Thanks to our sponsors:

The Teaming with Microbes Podcast is edited and produced with original music by Pod Peak.  

Special thanks to the Anchorage Daily News for hosting the show!