Teaming With Microbes

Don't smell the daisies

Episode Summary

This week, Jeff and Jonathan delve into year-round soil feeding and more!

Episode Notes

This week, Jeff and Jonathan debunk the myth that soil feeding is a fall-only activity and discuss innovative soil nourishing options - one even involves urine! 

They also explore the beneficial role of the soil food web in heavy rain conditions.  Other topics include the relationship between daisies and dandelions, the importance of selective mowing, and  the challenging decisions around meadow creation and plant relocation. 

Finally, they explore the concept of second harvests, with the guys offering their top crop suggestions that require less effort than their predecessors. Remember, resist the urge to smell the daisies!


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Plant a row for the hungry/Read Teaming With Microbes, Teaming With Nutrients and Teaming With Fungi!

Thanks to our sponsors:

The Teaming with Microbes Podcast is edited and produced with original music by Pod Peak.  

Special thanks to the Anchorage Daily News for hosting the show!